Fluid DOM Documentation


  1. Fluid DOM API (this page)
  2. How to Reference
  3. Live Running Example
  4. Why use it?
  5. Quick Examples


Fluid DOM attempts to wrap the standard DOM API with a more modern-feeling style.

The fluid global variable hash is used as a namespace.

The DOM object is a gateway to either an Element object or an ElementList object. An ElementList object is just a container for Element objects and help represent the document hierarchy and support iteration, filter, map and reduce operations.

The Element object provides access to the Attributes object or the Classes object and these three types are the core for document manipulation.

Object Types

Locating Options

There are two types of locating options. One is for identifying a single element in a document. The other is to identify zero or more elements from a document.

Fluid DOM (c) Copyright 2018 Warwick Molloy