How to Reference


  1. Fluid DOM API
  2. How to Reference (this page)
  3. Live Running Example
  4. Why use it?
  5. Quick Examples


Fluid-dom is built to a browser iife bundle and a commonjs library. Each is supplied in minified and developer/debug forms. For example, the bundle comes as fluid-dom.bundle.js and for convenience.

Direct Script-src

For simplicity, the fluid-dom library builds to a single (iife) file and exposes a global variable called fluid as a namespace object.

For the browser, the use a script tag:

    <script src="fluid-dom.bundle.js"></script>
        var dom = new fluid.DOM();
        // rest...


You can use browserify to bundle your JavaScript and use require to import the fluid-dom library into your own code. That needs to use the commonjs version (also included).

var fluid = require('fluid-dom/fluid-dom.commonjs');

var dom = new fluid.DOM();
// and so on...